Sunday, February 18, 2018

Valentines and Presidents

We started the week with our Valentine's Day Party.  After the kids were dropped off we took each student around to deliver their valentines. We pretended we were mailman delivering the mail.  Mrs. Jenkins stopped in for an early morning music class, then it was time to hear a few stories about Valentines Day and begin our party!

We have such great parents in our classroom!  What beautiful table decorations and treats!

After our snack it was time for games!  At this station the kids used a serving spoon to transfer Hershey Kisses from one container to another.  They loved seeing how many kisses they could fit on each spoonful!

Making valentine bead fun!!

Valentine art...cute valentine creatures!

Making bug masks...

...and then going on a scavenger hunt

Wednesday and Thursday we talked a little bit about presidents. We read a short story about the Presidents on Mount Rushmore and learned that the name of our country is The United States of America and that presidents lead the country along with lots of other helpers.  We learned that we've had lots of presidents and one of them was named Abraham Lincoln and when he was little he lived in a log cabin.  Then it was time to pull out the Lincoln Logs and get to work building.  Mrs. Jenkins and I sat around for about 25 minutes building a railroad and houses using Lincoln Logs with the kids!  At the end of the day everyone agreed that building together with Lincoln Logs was our favorite part of the day!

After snack the kids could build with Lincoln Logs by themselves!
Thursday we learned the names of coins and looked at the president on each one. We learned a song about presidents and's the link...

We made paper chains during art.

Getting Valentine Tattoos from Mrs. Jenkins!

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