Sunday, November 30, 2014

Giving Thanks

This week we discussed the history of Thanksgiving.  We introduced the story of the Pilgrims coming over on the Mayflower and settling in Massachussets.  We also talked about the Native American tribe called the Wampanoag, who had been living here for a long time. We talked about how the Wampanoag helped the settlers learn how to plant corn and live in their new environment.    We heard the story 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Pilgrims as well as Why do we Celebrate Thanksgiving? 

After snack and music we heard another story which was a Native American legend.  Legend was another new vocabulary word for the kids.  For some reason they all were fascinated with the idea of hearing a legend.  It was really cute!!  We read The Legend of the Loons Necklace

Most of the kids didn't know what a loon was either.  They confused it with a duck.  They kept making quacking sounds.  We watched a video on loons and heard their call.  Then we made a loon during art.

On Wednesday we talked a lot about what thankfulness and gratitude means.  We went around the circle and each shared what we were thankful for.  Then we heard a few books about thankfulness and watched the Raffi video of the song "Thanks a lot".  Here it is:

During activity time each of the kids wrote their own version of the song.  They also had fun working on puzzles with Mrs. Chyko, making an airport with blocks, playing in the rice table, playing with cars, coloring, tracing their hand and turning it into a turkey, and playing in the tool center and housekeeping center. 

As for Joan and I, we're thankful for the terrific kids and families at Maple Leaf Academy!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Making Butter and Tractors

Last Friday, Joan and I went to the Wisconsin Early Childhood Conference.  One of the ideas that we took away from the conference was to have a "question of the day".  The idea behind this is to help increase children's vocabulary in a fun way.  We're trying to take a word or idea that we discussed from class the day before and then turn it into a question.  Last week we incorporated the words migrating butterflies, bitter cold, crunchy pumpkin seeds and baby raccoons called kits. We learned that it generally takes an average of hearing a word 30 times before it is incorporated into a child's mind!

On Thursday we heard the story A Visitor for Bear about a bear who was trying to make breakfast for himself when a mouse kept showing up in his kitchen.  Ask your kids if they can tell you more about the story, they were all laughing as we read this.  Click the link below for a youtube version of the book.

Our pumpkin bread was ready to eat today, so we needed butter to spread on top of it.  We sat in a circle and  poured cream into a jelly jar.  Then we each took a turn shaking the jar as we passed it around the circle.  Two turns around the circle and it didn't sound like the cream was moving around as much so we opened the jar and it had turned into a thick whipped cream.  Then we passed it 
around two more times and opened it again.  This time the cream had seperated and butter had formed.  We spread it on our bread..delicious!! 

Jayme was our "Maple Leaf" this week and he brought in ice cream cones to help celebrate his special week as well as his birthday...yum!!  His mom and dad came to visit too.  Jayme's mom read us Jayme's  favorite story, Otis,  about a tractor.  Then Jayme's dad went out to his car and brought in some of Jayme's favorite things to do outside.  He brought in a leaf blower, a push lawn mower, a few other things and a tractor that we could ride as well as a riding lawn mower.  Jayme shared all his equipment with us and let each of us have a turn riding his vehicles too!  Boy was that fun!  Thanks Jayme and Jayme's family!!
We sent our Thanksgiving turkeys home that we each painted too.  We have great artists in our class!!
On Friday we heard the story Gregory, the Terrible Eater, about a goat who needed to learn to eat healthy foods.  Then we put on our movement CD and had fun "Bopping til we Dropped", and "Going on a Bear Hunt". The link below takes you to the cd we used.  Greg and Steve are two of the best for preschool music and movement activities.

During activity time we used our do-a-dots to make the letter K with Mrs. Chyko and worked on putting together a giant A,B,C floor puzzle with Mrs. Gould.  We also all worked on creating patterns on our peg boards.  We didn't get outside at all this week since the weather was sooo cold, we're hoping it warms up a little bit for us next week!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Kids in the Kitchen

Since our new unit has to do with foods each of us shared what we had for breakfast this morning.  Everyone had such yummy breakfasts, we heard that some of the kids had waffles, bananas, cereal, eggs, pancakes, fruit and berries...yum!

Next we heard the story Bear Wants More!  It was about a bear who was very hungry and couldn't get enough to eat...the kids joined in and read along whenever the story said, "but bear wants more!!"  It's a book with lots of rhyming phrases, great illustrations and a good transition from forest animals last week to foods this week!

Speaking of forest animals, all the kids finished their raccoon headbands that they worked so hard on last week and most of them wore them all day.  Then we found out that the name "Mika" means wise raccoon in Ojibwa!  

Jayme is "maple leaf of the week" and he brought in a great poster with lots of pictures.  Jayme had a lot of fun sharing his pictures and experiences with the class...he especially likes 4 wheeling!!

After circle time it was time to get together and cut open a pumpkin!  The kids thought we were going to open up a big pumpkin but instead it was a rather small pie pumpkin.  It was really hard to cut in half...Mrs. Gould and Mrs. Chyko used 3 different knives....trying to find one that was sharp enough...we ended up using a serated knife and sort of sawing the pumpkin open!  Then each of us had a chance to pull out some of the pulp and seeds inside.  Some of us wanted to do this but some of us preferred not to touch that stuff inside.  Mrs. Gould got pumpkin gunk all over her hands!
Once the pupmpkin was cleaned out we put it in a pan, covered it with foil and baked it for an hour and a half at 375 degrees.  When it was done we each took a fork and poked around a little bit to see how soft the inside of the pumpkin was.  Tomorrow we're going to turn it into pumpkin bread. 

 In the meantime, while we were eating lunch, Mousie, the mouse puppet that lives in our classroom and causes all kinds of mischief, hid the pumpkin seeds.  It turned out he put them in the oven and roasted them for us to try at the end of the day!  We have enough to have for snack tomorrow too!

Today was an extended day and 9 of the kids decided to stay for lunch and some extra playtime.  We all had a chance to look through books after we ate lunch.  Then Mrs. Gould read the whole group a few books before we broke into small groups and our "choice activities".  
During choicetime a group of kids worked on creating an airport out of blocks while another group used crayon pastels and foam stickers to create beautiful works of art.  We also had a matching activity with puzzle pieces and letters as well as painting at the easle with Mrs. Chyko. 
Look through the window and you'll see the rest of the extended day class working on their artwork!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Forest Animals and Trains

We've been talking about forest animals this week.  Yesterday we passed around "Peter" our talking stick  (When we get the stick we get to talk, otherwise it's our turn to listen :))   and we each had to think of an animal that lives in the forest.  We came up with hawks, deer, skunks, squirrels, bears, rabbits, owls, raccoons,and ducks.  We also came up with elephants, giraffes, sharks and zebras.  That turned into a good conversation about "zoo animals" and "forest animals".  It also turned into a conversation about different locations of forests and wild animals versus tame animals. Aftter all that we decided that we were going to talk about forests that are in Wisconsin.   

I like to brainstorm with young children because it gets them thinking, turns their minds on, unlocks ideas and helps develop their creativity.  It also introduces concepts such as same and different.  The kids were encouraged to come up with different animals than their friends, but some of them really wanted to list the same animal.  As the kids said their ideas, I listed them on the whiteboard.  This modeled the forming of letters and words.  As I wrote the word I broke it down into sounds (phonemes) and asked the kids to help me figure out what letters make those sounds. 

I've noticed during activity times that many of the kids are trying to write various words on their own now.  It might be fun to provide a notebook and crayons, markers, stencils, etc. at home so the kids can explore forming letters and trying to put sounds together on their own.  I'd  encourage anything your child adds to the notebook, scribbles are the very first stage of writing!  To learn more about the stages of writing visit this link.

We heard two stories about raccoons in class.  One was called The Kissing Hand and the other was A Pocketful of Kisses both by Audrey Penn. These are great stories about family that take place in a forest setting.  If you're not familiar with them, here's a link to view the stories.

We've read the stories but haven't seen the videos, it might be fun to do this at home with your child!

During activity time we started to make racoon headbands.  When we all finish making them we'll take them home.

During morning activity time on Wednesday, we were busy playing with Lincoln logs, Weebles, magnetic people, coloring raccoons, retelling the 3 Billy Goats Gruff on the flannel board and working in the kitchen.  Then we had lots of fun sharing what we brought in for show and tell!
Our theme for show and tell this week was "The Forest."  We had a humming bird's nest still in it's branches, a larger birds nest, pine cones, pictures of real bears and maps where bears live, stuffed forest animals like bunnies, bears, and ducks, and books about forests.  Show and tell is such a good way to help kids develop vocabulary, comfort and confidence in public speaking, and it always generates lots of class discussion too!  
I brought in a book about Black Bears with real pictures of a baby bear who goes for a walk in the forest.  After we read that, it was time for snack, music, and recess.  When we came in from recess we found Parker's Dad setting up a train in our classroom!!

Parker was "Maple Leaf" of the Week.  He brought in yummy train cookies yesterday that he and his mom made and frosted.  We ate those right up....they were delicious!!  Today his mom, dad and little sister came in to visit with the class.  They brought in Parker's train set and showed us how it worked!  Then we each got a turn to move the train forwards, in reverse and make a whistle sounds and a bell cool.  Thanks Parker and his family for helping us learn about trains and making the week so fun!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

More Fairy Tales

We watched a video about Dassies during circle time.  Here it is:
Apr 22, 2013 - Uploaded by Anke Heldmann
Dassies live in South Africa.They are related to the elephant. Other Names: Rock Rabbit ...

Then we heard the Fairy Tale The Three Little Dassies by Jan Brett.  She visited Namibia, in Africa, where Dassies live and wrote a tale very similiar to the Three Little Pigs but with Dassies and an Eagle as the main characters.  The kids loved hearing the story, it was especially fun because it was a new story to everyone!!  Then we compared and contrasted the two tales. 

Here's a link to the story in case you'd like to hear it at home.
Oct 13, 2013 - Uploaded by Rngfawn
The Three Little Dassies Read Aloud by G Robles. Rngfawn ... 2:48. Play next; Play now. The 3 ...

Tori's dad came in to help us celebrate her being "Maple Leaf" of the Week. He read us a story about ice cream and then gave all of us an ice cream sandwich to eat...yum!!!  Thanks Tori!!

On Friday we heard The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  After we read the story we retold it on a flannel board using cut outs.  Then we made a Billy Goat out of construction paper during activity time.  We've started painting turkey's with Mrs. Chyko at the easle.  Since it was so nice we got outside for about 25 minutes too!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fairy Tale Week

On Tuesday, We heard Goldilocks and the Three Bears during circle time.  After we heard the story we all picked a character that we'd like to be and got a nametag with that character on it.  Then we acted out the story as we retold it....everyone chose to be one of the bears except for Naomi....she wanted to play Goldilocks!! 

We had music with Mrs. Jenkins and then we went into the kitchen and made porridge play dough!  We used flour, salt, cream of tarter, hot water, and porridge!!  (oatmeal)  We wateched how the dry ingredients changed into a liquid form and then we tried to change it into a dough form.  We went back to our snack table and we each got a blob of playdough and some oatmel to knead together.  During activity time we could play with the playdough, a Weebles play set of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, or 3 stuffed bears and a goldilocks puppet. We could also play with legos, the trains, the rice table, or put beads on pipe cleaners and make bracelets or necklaces! At the writing table we're learning to become authors.  We dictated a story to Mrs. Gould where we were the main character in Goldilocks.  After we wrote the story, Mrs. Gould read it back to us! 

Tori Hagenow is our Maple Leaf of the Week.  She  brought in a beautiful collage of pictures and told us all about them!  It was her birthday on Halloween so we celebrated today at school.  She brought in yummy Rice Krispie Treats to share.  Thanks Tori!!
On Wednesday we heard The Three Little Pigs.  We did a tally graph to find out who had heard the story before.  It turned out to be a split, 5 of us had heard the story before and 5 of us had not.  It was fun to listen to the story and chime in with the the words "Then he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house in!!" And "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!"  We also had a lot of fun huffing and puffing and pretending to be the Wolf blowing in the pig's house!  During activity time we read a Rebus story of the 3 Little Pigs and then we colored it in.  This would be fun to reread at home with Mom and Dad.  (Just a suggestion...point to the words as you read the story with your child.  Let them fill in the missing word when you come to the pictures.  Talk about how your finger moves back to the left before reading the next line.  We've been working on "left to right tracking" all year, but it's a great skill to practice at home too!)

We had a chance to get outside and play for about 15 minutes.  It was such a great day to run around, climb on our equipment, play ball, roll in the leaves, and play with our friends.  

We had a special surprise at the end of the day.  Emma's Nana came in to show us 2 kittens.  Their names are Halloween (Hal) and Callie.  We all had a chance to pet the kittens and play with them, boy are they cute.  What a great way to end the day!!
Emma's Grandma has 2 other kittens and a mother cat looking for a good home.  Let me know if anyone would like one!! 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Costume Party

Everyone looked so great dressed in their Halloween Costumes!!  During Circle Time, each child told the rest of the class what they were dressed up as.  Then we played the "Spooky Loo" (a circle game based on the song "Here We Go Looby Loo").  We heard a story called The Perky Little Pumpkin about kids who are dressed up for Halloween and then went on a Halloween Parade through the church.  When we got to the church office, the ladies had Haloween candy for us.  We each got to pick either a tootsie roll, milky way or snickers bar.  

When we got back downstairs a beautiful table was set for us.  Our  room moms, Heidi Curtis and Betsy Whitcomb, along with Mrs. Chyko made everything look so nice! We had a lot of fun frosting and decorating our cookies, as well as eating popcorn and candy corn out of bags shaped like hands and drinking apple juice.  Thanks so much to all the parents and grandparents who sent in something to help make the party  so memorable for the children!!
After snack we played a game with the parachute and 2 white balloons.  We called them "floating ghosts".  We tried to keep them floating by lifting the parachute up and down...sooo fun!!
Then we broke into small groups and rotated through 3 different activities. Joan had a dot-to-dot ghost, Betsy had each child color and decorate a letter that she later put together to make a sign that said Happy Halloween 
and Heidi ran the ring toss game.  
Happy Halloween everyone!!