We went to music after our snack. It was so nice outside, we went out to play for an extra long time....when we came inside we heard a book that Zoefii brought in called Pete the Cat's Thanksgiving. We also heard a book called Ten Fat Turkeys that Noah brought in.
Thanks for sharing the books with us Noah and Zoefii....we loved them!
We were supposed to get to activity time and make turkeys out of toilet paper tubes but we ran out of time today! We'll make them on Wednesday and Thursday instead.
Wednesday we heard the book called A Turkey for Thanksgiving
We also watched some videos on our class ipad about turkeys. We watched one that showed real turkeys gobbling and 2 others that were songs with animated turkeys.
Here is one of the videos the kids enjoyed. They may want to watch it again at home and sing along!!
We went outside again to enjoy the great weather...who knows how much longer it will last!
During activity time, Mrs. Gould made toilet paper tube turkeys with the kids and Mrs. Chyko continued painting cornucopias with the kids at the easel. We also had blocks, cars and trucks, trains, a floor puzzle, the sensory table, and other activities off the shelves for the kids to work with during this time. We talked about the letter T and the sound it made right before we went home. Right away the kids said, T like in Tannar!! I love it when they start making connections like that!
Thursday Caden's parents came in to visit. Caden's dad is a volunteer fireman with Cedarburg. He talked to us about fire safety and learning the number 9-1-1 in case of an emergency. He also brought in all of his gear and played a game with us where we had to help him put on his fire suit! Then we had a turn to try on his boots, pants, hat, and gloves if we wanted to too. We each got our own fire hat and badge to take home.
We had a special "fire safety" snack too. Jello jigglers in the shape of a fire truck, cheese in the shape of a fire hydrant, and water balloons (grapes)! Yum!
Thanks Caden and family for such a special morning!
When we finished with our snack we had time to look through books. Then it was on to activity time! In addition to finishing our paintings and toilet paper tube turkeys, we practiced tracing a turkey and played with the other activities in our classroom! Lately building with mega blocks has been a favorite choice!
We learned a finger play called "5 Little Turkeys" at the end of the day and took home a copy so we could practice saying it at home too!
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