Monday, October 5, 2015

Stone Soup

Tuesday we finished our sunprint art.  We traced traced around the areas where the sun didn't fade the paper due to the rocks and then we glued it on red paper.  We wrote R is for rocks and red to remind us of the sound R makes.  We also finished using do a dots to trace over a letter R.  The kids love doing these activities and while they're working on them they are developing their fine motor skills. We've been working on how to hold a glue stick, a paintbrush, a crayon, and dot markers.  We've also been working on how much pressure to use while working with these materials.
On Wednesday we read the book Stone Soup.  It's a folk tale about a village not having much food so they use stones to make soup.   Little by little each villager adds one item to the soup until they have a delicious soup at the end of the story.  We tried our hand at making stone soup!
We added stones to the bottom of the pot.  (Washed of course!!) Then we put in chicken broth, carrots, barley, salt and pepper.  Mrs. Chyko cooked the soup while we went out to play.  It was too hot to eat so we saved it until Thursday so all the kids could try the soup!!
On Thursday we listened to the story again, but this time with a CD version so all the characters had different voices.  Then we tried our soup for snack!  Some of the kids liked it and some didn't want to try it.  Everyone enjoyed the crackers and chocolate milk that we served with the soup!  Yum!!

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