Sunday, January 18, 2015

Arctic Animals

We had fun learning about Penguins on Tuesday.  We read a book filled with penguin facts and real pictures as well as a fictional book about a penguin named Tacky who just didn't quite fit in with the other penguins but saved the day in the end!
Then we had fun making our own penguins during activity time!
Tuesday was an extended day so after lunch we went into the media room and watched the video Happy Feet and ate popcorn!

Zoefii was Maple Leaf this week.  She also had her birthday over break so we celebrated today.  She brought in teddy grahams and fruit cups for our snack. 
Then her mom and dad came for a visit.  They shared their love of music with us and brought in some drums for us to play.
We had so much fun listening to Zoefii's Dad as he showed us how each one worked and then we had even more fun when Zoefii's Mom passed out the drum sticks and gave each of us our own set to use!  We created a drum circle and had a chance to try out each of the drums.  It was so cool!!  We learned that some drums use sticks and other drums use our hands to make the sound.  We also discovered that the sound is made through vibrations on the drum and that the snare drum can be turned on and off!  After we tried all of the drums we had a yummy sugar cookie!  Thanks Zoefii for helping to make our day so special. Happy 3rd Birthday!!
Thursday was polar bear day.  We learned that there are 2 poles, North and South, and Polar Bears live at the the North Pole (or Arctic circle) while penguins live at the South Pole (Antarctic circle).  We heard a book called The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett.  It's a take off on Goldilocks and the 3 bears but in a different setting. 
During art we started making a polar bear by sponge painting with white paint on dark blue paper.  We also finished making our Mittens.
We had music with Mrs. Jenkins on Thursday and started learning a song about the months of the year.  On  Friday, we put on our snow clothes and went outside and played in the snow.  
We had fun running around and making snow angels.  We also found deer prints in the snow and followed the tracks to see where the deer went.  They went into the trees on the side of the church!

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