Monday, November 11, 2013

Nature Art

So glad we got out last week to go on our leaf hunt before the snow fell!!  We read the story Going on a Leaf Hunt and then then went outside and collected our own leaves!!  Inside we used yarn to create a loom and then we wove our nature finds into the loom to create a nature wreath!!  So much fun!!

We painted with Indian Corn on Wednesday.  We heard a great story about raccoons sneaking into a farmers corn field at night and eating the corn that was left on the stalks.  We also pretended we were pieces of popcorn and played a game where we popped!!  

On Thursday we all brought in a spice to share during circle time.  We passed them all around and used our sense of smell to describe if the smell was strong or or not so strong and if it was a pleasant odor or one we didn't care for as much.  Some of the spices that we smelled were allspice, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, dried mustard, and italian seasoning.  Then came the really fun part, we poured the different spices into Dixie cups and added a little water and glue, stirred them up and painted with them!  It was fun to see the different colors and textures that the spices made!  

Here are the completed spice paintings!!

We used a paintbrush to paint the Indian corn and then rolled the corn on paper to see what kind of print it made!

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