Friday, November 1, 2013

Costume Party!!

It was great to see all the kids come to class dressed in their costumes this morning!!  Durinng circle time we heard the book Spooky Bunny Tales by Rosemary Wells.  We watched a short video on our Ipad about a lonely pumpkin.  We really liked it!

Then it was time to go on a  costume parade through the church!  We went upstairs to visit with Mrs. Diane and Mrs. Candy and they had a basket with treats in it for us!!  They loved seeing us all dressed up!  

We went through the sanctuary and down the back steps to finish our parade.  Then we washed our hands and got ready for our snack.  We each had a cup with white frosting in it and Mrs. Chyko and Mrs. Gould added a drop of red and a drop of yellow food coloring to our cup.  Boy were we surprised when we mixed it up and ended up with orange frosting!  We used it to frost our sugar cookie, yum!
Thanks to everyone for sending all the goodies to help us have a wonderful party!  If you didn't send anything in for this one don't worry, we'll be having a Christmas and Valentine's Party too!!

The kids took turns telling what they were dressed up as:
 Carter was an astronaught,
 Kate was a surgeon,
 Emma was super hero,
 Liam was a pit crew worker for Lightening McQueen,
 Jonas was a cobra snake ninja,
Jacob was a pirate,
Mika was a cat, 
Duncan was a ninja and 
Gavin was Spiderman!!

We played party games after snack and got out our parachute.  We each had a paper pumpkin that we put in the middle of the chute.  We told a story and whenever the wind blew we shook that parachute as hard as we could until all the pumpkins flew out, then we chased the pumpkins, found our pumpkin and put it back in the chute where we did it all over again.  We loved watching the pumpkins fly around the room, it was fun to see how far of them flew before they landed.  We sang the song about Orange Pumpkins Growing on a Vine,  and we pretended to be pumpkins and we grew and grew!  Then we wanted some time to play with our friends so some of us played with play dough, some of us played with the babies, some of us played with the cars and some of us built with was a really fun day!!  

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