. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_EZjj8HEI8
After we read If You Take a Mouse to School, we went on a scavenger hunt around out school looking for clues the Mouse left. We went to the kitchen, the first aid room, the music room, the bathroom, outside, upstairs to the offices and finally back to our classroom, where we found mouse!! When we went upstairs to the offices we met Mrs. Candy, Liam's Grandma who also works at the church, and Pastor Franz. He was about to feed his frogs, Juan and Carlos and asked us to come in and meet his frogs and watch him feed them! Then he read us a clue that mouse left on his desk! When we got back to our classroom it was time to wash hands and have snack.
On Tuesday we had apples and graham crackers. On Wednesday we had tomatoes fresh from Jonas's garden and teddy grahams and today we had home made chocolate chip cookies from Duncan to help celebrate his 5th birthday. Happy Birthday Duncan!!! We read the story about giving a cookie to Mouse, then played the game "Who Stole the Cookies From the Cookie Jar"and then we got to eat chocolate chip cookies and milk, just like mouse!!
This week we were still talking about shapes and so we made mouse puppets out of a triangle, 2 circles, a square, and 4 rectangles. We also are working on developing our glueing skills this week so we used glue sticks and today we used bottles of glue to make macaroni monsters!
We had show and tell yesterday, and the kids each told us what they brought to school. They had to fill in the sentence"I brought a _______________" to school". Then they each told us a short story about what happened after they brought it to school. It was based on the Mouse Book we read. Ask your child to tell you the story they told!!
For math we've been counting, making patterns, and learning about shapes. We made the number 1 and used do a dots to go on top of it and we also talked about the letter M. We made macaroni monsters to remind us of the sound m makes. Mrs. Bulgerin came to class yesterday to help out and Mrs. Jenkins taught us Down By The Bay today in music class. We met two puppets, named Jack and Lily who joined our class too. As you can see we've been very, very busy learning and having fun! Have a great week-end!!
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