Discussing the stories as we read them helps build reading comprehension ability in the kids.
Today we heard a story about a Triangle who wasn't satisfied with his shape. He went to a shape shifter and kept adding more sides. He became a square (we learned the word quadrilateral)
then a pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, and so forth until he had so many sides hecouldn't balance anymore, he was nearly a circle!! Then he realized he really liked just being himself the best and went back to being a triangle. We talked about colors, shapes, feelings, and how special each one of us is just the way we are, it was a great to see how interactive the kids were as we read this book together.

Yesterday and today we had a chance to spend time outside. Yesterday we played with balls, used sidewalk chalk and played on our new climbing equipment. Today we climbed and ran around a lot! We also had music with Mrs. Jenkins. We played a name game and moved around. We also had a chance to learn about rhythm and play rhythm sticks! 

We loved snack time! On Wednesday we had raspberries, soy milk and teddy grahams. Today we had cucumber (fresh from Liam's garden, thanks Liam!!) with cream cheese and dill on top. We also had the rest of our raspberries, cheese nips, and fruit punch....yum!
During activity time we played with blocks, cars, play houses, and made floor puzzles with Mrs. Chyko. We did art with Mrs. Gould. Yesterday we used ink to make our fingerprints. We learned that we each have our own special fingerprints. We used magnifying glasses to see if we could see the swirls and lines in our prints. Today we used shapes and put them together to make a preschool. This helped us with our visual spatial perception as well as gave us a chance to talk about colors and practice using glue sticks. We wrote about what we like to do at preschool. The responses were so cute, the kids said they liked making friends, eating snack, playing outside, eating cucumbers, working on art projects, playing with cars and playing with "My Little Pet Shop."
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