We enjoyed learning about dinosaurs this week! We sorted dinosaurs into meat eaters and plant eaters. We learned that dinosaurs that walked on 4 feet were plant eaters and more gentle. The dinosaurs that stood on two legs were more fierce. We used dinosaur figurines to work with during activity time and used blocks to create spaces for the dinosaurs to roam. We heard a lot of dinosaur stories, made dinosaur fossils out of play dough, hunted for dinosaurs around our classroom and looked at rocks with fossils in them. We had fun learning the name of some of the dinosaurs, and loved doing the dinosaur dance!
dinosaur dance video
Teagan was our Maple Leaf of the Week. She shared her poster with us on Tuesday. We enjoyed learning about all her favorite things! Her Mom came to visit on Thursday and read us two books. One of them was about how to make ice cream. Teagan and her mom set up an ice cream sundae bar for us...yum!! We could pick from lots of toppings including blueberries, strawberries, m and m's, cookie crumbles, chocolate sauce and whipped cream!! Thanks Teagan for helping to make our week so special!
The weather was nice enough to get outside each day. The kids love to run, play with balls, climb on the equipment, use sidewalk chalk and play make believe. We're all hoping spring is finally here!!
Looking at a pussywillow tree near our playset. |
Holding our tissue paper dragon flies...what a great looking group! |
Teagan and her mom sharing a favorite story with us. |
Ice Cream Sundae party!! |
Thanks Teagan for the great snack! |
Observing and sorting rocks. |
Joan and I arrived at school early one morning and found a red fox trying to play on our equipment! Look closely near the play set and there's a red fox running away! |
Some dinosaurs were hiding in the rocks! |
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