We started the week by talking about spring. The theme for show and tell was spring. The kids had fun sharing their things during circle time. We had such great ideas... balls and other things to play with outside, a baseball bat, catcher's mitt and glove for spring baseball season,a homemade rain stick, and books that were filled with pictures of things we see in the spring. We decided to go outside to look for signs of spring...we saw buds on trees and flowers beginning to grow. We also saw and heard a lot of birds. We especially liked watching 2 cardinals and several robins! We ended up at the park!
Of course the best sign of spring is that we can go to the park and play outside!! |
One of the cardinals we saw on our walk! |
Eli was our Maple Leaf of the Week. On Wednesday his mom and Grandma Sharon came to visit with us. Grandma Sharon read us the story If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. It is such a fun story and the kids loved hearing it! When the story was over we went to the snack table and had a "cookie and milk party" with Grandma Sharon's homemade cookies...yum!! Some of us even tried to make milk mustaches just like the mouse did in the book! Thanks Eli and family for helping make our week so special!!
Listening to Grandma Sharon read us a story! |

We talked about birds this week. We had birds nest cookie for a snack one day and made pine cone bird feeders too! We put sunflower seed butter all over the pine cones and then rolled them in bird seed.
We broke into small groups to make pine cone bird feeders! |
Mrs. Swietlik's group. |
Mrs. Chyko's group. |
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