The week before Mother's Day was a busy one! It was Liam's special week and his birthday celebration!! Tuesday morning Liam invited several visitors to class. His dad came in and read some of Liam's favorite books to us. Anne and her granddaughter came to visit too. Liam's Dad also brought in the head of the mascot from Starting Point and let us try it on! The mascot's name is Champ. Liam helped pass out coloring sheets of Champ and gave us each a baseball card with Champ's picture on it. If you want to see Champ sing and dance here's a link to check out!
We loved hearing Liam's Dad read us stories and meeting some of the special people in Liam's life! |
When we tried on the mascot head it was sort of hard to see...but lots of fun to wear!! |
We sure enjoyed the special treat Liam sent in. Thank you, Liam!! |
Of course we had to sing Happy Birthday to Liam in English and Spanish!! Feliz Cumpleanos, Liam!! |
We also heard several good stories about Mothers during circle time. We made a special present for our moms, then we decorated a bag and Mrs. Chyko helped us wrap our gift!
We loved using our fingerprints to make a pot for Mom! |
Our other big news is that two of the butterflies emerged from their chrysalis. Caden noticed it while we were reading a story. We immediately had to stop reading and look at our butterfly garden...we named our butterflies Max and Ruby!
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