We finished the cornucopias we've been working on with Mrs. Chyko...we have a lot of budding artists in our class!!
Noah was our Maple Leaf of the Week. We had fun looking at Noah's poster as he told us all about his favorite things!! One of his favorite things to play with are trains and on Thursday he brought in a special snack on a popsicle stick!! Thanks Noah for sharing such a yummy treat with us!
We had fun painting with Indian Corn this week. We painted right on the corn and then rolled it on paper in the shape of corn. This was lots of fun but our hands sure got messy!!
Tuesday was our extended day...6 of us stayed for lunch and extra play time. It's always exciting to eat lunch at school with our friends!
We used popcorn, pea, bean, sunflower, pumpkin, and corn seeds to make a seed mosaic in the shape of a maple leaf. It's fun to see how each child created their own design using the same materials....beautiful! |
We had a lot of fun building very tall towers with the blocks!! |
We introduced several new materials this week. The kids enjoyed creating things with Magna Tiles, homemade pumpkin scented play dough, and duplos. They also had fun using the Woodland Critters play house, magna doodle, number puzzle and etch a sketch! |
As always we heard lots of stories, sang lots of songs, practiced our 5 Little Turkeys poem and used alphabet beads to create necklaces with our names! Some of the kids wondered when "The Spanish Guy" (Mr. Fleming) will be visiting again...should be after Thanksgiving! Hasta Luego for now!
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