Wednesday we talked about caterpillars. We heard the story The Very HungryCaterpillar and then acted it out. We each made a caterpillar and wrote about what our caterpillar would eat!

Thursday was butterfly day! We heard a story called The Lamb and the Butterfly and we talked about the life cycle of the butterfly. Then we did squish painting to create our own butterflies! The kids loved squishing the paint together and opening up the paper to see how the colors mixed and the design looked! I'll post a picture of those in the next blog, we're still not completely done adding all the details to our butterflies yet! Thursday and Friday we colored in a shrinky dink insect that Jayme brought in for us. When everyone was finished coloring one in, we cooked them in the oven to watch them shrink! It was so much fun to watch them bend, fold, shrink and then lay back down on the cookie sheet!! Thanks Jayme for bringing in such a cool project to share with us!!
We all made an insect, these are just a few examples of the kids work!
Friday was lady bug day! We heard the story The Very Grouchy Ladybug. Instead of Mrs. Gould reading it we heard it on our ipad! Then we learned a poem about lady bugs and colored in a picture of a field. We used our fingerprints dipped in red paint to make the ladybugs! We had fun hammering with shapes during activity time!
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