We love learning about the natural sciences and had more fun looking for worms!!

We learned that worms like to live underground in the dark so we picked up a lot of the worms and put them back in the grass and the dirt so they could go home.
We also learned that worms make holes in the ground, are good for the soil and help things grow!! We watched a short video about worms and composting.
Jun 1, 2011 - Uploaded by scottndisa
Mrs. Rice shows kids how to create a worm habitat out of a plastic tub. ... Worm Farm ...We're playing a memory game and are working on memorizing our phone numbers so each day we've been practicing reading them out loud during circle time. Then we turn our card, with our phone number on it, over and see how many of the numbers we remember!! Even Mrs. Gould is trying to memorize her husbands new cell phone number!! So far one of us has completely memorized a phone number, (it isn't Mrs. Gould!!) the rest of us
are getting close. Keep practicing at home, we'll do this daily until the end of the year and see how many of us can memorize all the numbers in our phone number! We've also been practcing dialing them on a play phone in our kitchen center.
We also made a terrarium this week and talked a little about the water cycle, and what plants need to live.
Then we used charcoal, river rocks, soil, and sheet moss to create a class terrarium. We all worked together to put everything we needed inside our glass container.
We added 3 plants to complete our botany project!!
Of course we've been having a lot of fun playing outside as the weather has been getting nicer. We've been using balls, sidewalk chalk and our climbing equipment!
Thursday Mrs. Bulgerin subbed for Mrs. Chyko. It was fun to have her back for a visit!!
Mika brought in some special treats from Holland for our snack on Thursday. Her Oma and Opa brought them from the Netherlands on their visit. We loved them!! Thanks Mika, Oma and Opa for the delicious (and international!!) treat!!
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