The past two days we have celebrated two birthdays!! On Tuesday we celebrated Kate's 5 and 3/4 birthday!! (Her real birthday is in August). She sent in delicious frosted sugar cookies for a treat. Yum, Kate!! So glad we could all celebrate together!!
We heard a great story about a mother bear and a baby bear. Mrs. Gould got the story when she was on a trip out west in the Grand Tetons. The pictures in the book were real photos of bears out west. We wanted to hear the book again we liked it so much, but if we did that we wouldn't have had time to go to the park so we decided we'd just have to hear the book again another day!
We walked to Wildwood Park on First Avenue and had a lot of fun playing on the equipment, running around and swinging!! We were so tired and hot when we got back to school we all sat around the snack table and had Dixie cups filled with water. While we were drinking we used pegs and pegboards to create designs, patterns, and shapes!
Today we celebrated Jonas's 5th birthday. It is his real birthday today. Happy Birthday, Jonas!! He brought in dirt cups with worms for a snack!! (pudding, oreo cookies and gummie worms). Since we had been studying worms the past few weeks it was fun to eat some!! Thanks for sending in the great treat!!
During quiet activity time, first thing in the morning, Carter kept very busy working on his peg design that he started yesterday. He was so proud of his accomplishment when he was done that we had to take a picture!!
Great job, Carter!!
We heard a story today called The Perfect Pet. It was about a girl who really wanted a pet but her parents didn't want one. So she looked and looked and thought and thought until she finally found the perfect pet! She named him Doug. Ask your child what kind of pet Doug was. Below is the link to the book read on youtube.
The kids giggled all the way through this book!! Then we went outside to play. We had bug nets and magnifying glasses outside in case anyone wanted to look for bugs. Most of the kids wanted to do that for part of the time we were outside.
Back inside, it was activity time!! The kids had been asking for it, it's usually their favorite time of the day. We had play dough set out, the sand table open, a lady bug art project available,
cars and car ramps and we even got out a school bus play house that the kids could get inside! It was a great final day of preschool. Thanks for such a terrific year, we couldn't have asked for a better group of kids and parents! Have a wonderful summer break and look forward to seeing many of you back next year!