Thursday, February 6, 2014


We had so much fun learning about friends as well as practicing how to be a good friend.  We heard several really good books about friends including The Rainbow Fish and The Mitten.  In both of those books the characters learned to share with one another which we all decided was very important in being a good friend. 
Heres a link to a sweet video about Rainbow Fish.  We didn't have time to watch it in class, I bet the kids would enjoy watching it at home!!
Jul 29, 2013 - Uploaded by Hazel Panao
The Rainbow Fish Story by: Marcus Pfister Read by: Ernest Borgnine Animation from ...

We came up with a chart on the Do's and Don'ts of friendship.  Here is what the kids told me they knew about friends.

Friends Do: Share, help, play nicely, give gifts, use nice voices, wait and take turns, say "I'm sorry" and care about each other.

Friends Don't: make one another cry, act selfish, hurt each other, take things away from one another, use mean voices, push, or knock over other friends things.

We also wrote a chart story all about friends and each child contributed to the story.  Here is what everyone had to say..

Jacob said, "My friend is Jack.  I like to play with his toys."
Duncan said, "Brothers need to act like friends."
"Natalie lives next door and I play with her," said Emma.
"Duncan is my friend," said Jonas.
Kate said, "I play with Emma."
Charlie said, "I like to play trains with friends!"
Mika said, "Friends play nicely."
"I like Ben, we play boom boom thunder!" said Liam.
Friends say, "I'm sorry," said Carter
"Watch out for little brothers so they don't get hurt!!" said Gavin.
We all said, "We missed our friend Knox today!"  (He's out with a cold)

I'd say we have some pretty wise kids!!  We also took time at the end of the day on Tuesday to share how we were a good friend at school today.  We'll be working on this more next week as we get ready for Valentine's Day!

We did a lot of indoor movement this week using the parachute, bean bags, and balls.  We also learned a new circle game where we moved around until the music stopped and then had to hold hands with a friend.  

In art we made rainbow fish, friendship hands, and a chain of friends.

We practiced using clocks with Mrs. Chyko and got introduced into how to tell time.  We have some great wooden puzzle clocks where the hands move and shapes have the numbers 1-12 that can get put in and out of the clock.

We made the letter "r" with mosaic squares.  We practiced the letter name and it's sound and worked our fine motor skills while we glued the mosaics down!

Have a great week-end!!

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