Friday, March 22, 2013


Liam Stowers was star of the week!  We had fun seeing the pictures Liam brought in and hearing about his adventures with Muffin.  We're looking forward to his mom visiting with us next Wednesday.

We're glad that Gavin is back safely from his trip to Disney World.  It sounds like he had a great time.  We've all missed Kate this week as she was home sick with a virus.

We had a terrific week learning about birds!  On Tuesday we read a  book about two young Amish girls and a very fancy egg!  The problem is that if you're Amish you're supposed to be plain, so what should they do with a fancy egg??  When the egg hatches it is even fancier, it's a peacock.  We used our hand prints and traced our feet to make our own fancy peacocks!
Here's the link to find out more about this great children's book

Mrs. Bulgerin taught us about lots of different birds.  We used oil pastels and feathers to color and create our own birds!  On Thursday we used pipe cleaners shaped like birds feet to make footprints with paint.  We also used straws with flowers around them and pretended we were humming birds sucking nectar from flowers as we drank our apple juice!  We had fun eating oranges since birds like to eat them too!

We made a class list of some birds we already knew about.  We came up with owls, ducks, robins, and parrots.  Then we looked through a book with a lot of real pictures of birds.  We saw cardinals, blue birds, wood peckers, red winged black birds, orioles, warblers, and sparrows.  Then we played a memory game to see how many of the birds names we could remember!!

We heard another good story called Feathers for Lunch by Lois Ehlert.

We had bells with Mrs. Jenkins and did rhythm instruments with Mrs. Gould.  We also had fun putting
puzzles together with Mrs. Chyko and doing creative movement with Wee Sing Cd's.  

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