Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bunnies and Eggs

We had lots of fun this week! On Tuesday we talked all about bunnies. We heard lots of stories about our favorite bunnies Max and Ruby. We heard Max and Ruby's A,B,C's and ax and Ruby's 1,2,3's and Max's birthday. Rosemary Wells, the author of these books, has a great website that's worth visiting!

It's also worth going to YouTube and typing in: max and ruby full episodes

and all of the videos of this darling series are available to watch.

Art was making a bunny out of circles and adding eggs out of ovals. We also practiced our cutting by making some grass on green construction paper!

Wednesday was a really full day! It was Liam Stower's special week and he was so excited to bring Mommy to school with him!! (Thanks Melissa!!) Mommy brought in some of Liam's favorite things: cars, trucks, and cardboard tubes to make really cool ramps. We heard one of Liam's favorite stories about Big Rigs and then had so much fun putting match box vehicles down the ramps Liam and his mom made, we could have spent all of preschool just doing this!!

Mrs. Bulgerin read lots of stories to us about eggs and we pretended we were little chicks hatching out of eggs, then we learned that the Easter Bunny visited our classroom and left us some eggs to find upstairs!! We loved going on an Easter Egg hunt. We practiced our counting because the bunny told Mrs. Gould that he left each of us 8 eggs. Mrs. Chyko said we could open one of our eggs with snack. We found 5 jellybeans in the egg!!

Then we had a really special snack of bunny graham crackers and lemon yogurt, yum!! Some of us liked to dip our bunnies in the lemon yogurt.

Finally we made colored eggs with construction paper, shaving cream, acrylic paints and a paint stick. Ask your child how they did it!!

Happy Spring Break everyone, plan to see you all April 9th!

Friday, March 22, 2013


Liam Stowers was star of the week!  We had fun seeing the pictures Liam brought in and hearing about his adventures with Muffin.  We're looking forward to his mom visiting with us next Wednesday.

We're glad that Gavin is back safely from his trip to Disney World.  It sounds like he had a great time.  We've all missed Kate this week as she was home sick with a virus.

We had a terrific week learning about birds!  On Tuesday we read a  book about two young Amish girls and a very fancy egg!  The problem is that if you're Amish you're supposed to be plain, so what should they do with a fancy egg??  When the egg hatches it is even fancier, it's a peacock.  We used our hand prints and traced our feet to make our own fancy peacocks!
Here's the link to find out more about this great children's book

Mrs. Bulgerin taught us about lots of different birds.  We used oil pastels and feathers to color and create our own birds!  On Thursday we used pipe cleaners shaped like birds feet to make footprints with paint.  We also used straws with flowers around them and pretended we were humming birds sucking nectar from flowers as we drank our apple juice!  We had fun eating oranges since birds like to eat them too!

We made a class list of some birds we already knew about.  We came up with owls, ducks, robins, and parrots.  Then we looked through a book with a lot of real pictures of birds.  We saw cardinals, blue birds, wood peckers, red winged black birds, orioles, warblers, and sparrows.  Then we played a memory game to see how many of the birds names we could remember!!

We heard another good story called Feathers for Lunch by Lois Ehlert.

We had bells with Mrs. Jenkins and did rhythm instruments with Mrs. Gould.  We also had fun putting
puzzles together with Mrs. Chyko and doing creative movement with Wee Sing Cd's.  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rainbows and Shamrocks

Duncan was the star of the week this week! His Mom came in on Tuesday and read us his favorite story about an emperor, an elephant and a little boy. She also taught us a fun song using beanie babies that we put on our heads!! See if your child remembers what was on his/her head!!

We also heard a story about Jack and the Leprechaun and painted shamrocks. We had fun mixing green paint with yellow paint and seeing the new color it created!!

Wednesday was off to River-edge. Mrs. Bulgerin and Mrs. Chyko were able to go with the class. I ended up taking my son to the Doctor. (It turns out he had a concussion). I heard it was interesting to see the maple sap come out of the tree and eat the pancakes but it was VERY cold.

Today was filled with events! Mrs. Schilder came in and made corn casserole with us. Here's the link to the recipe.,188,153171-231207,00.html

It was baking while we heard stories about rainbows with Mrs. Bulgerin. Then we ate our delicious snack and went to bells with Mrs. Jenkins. During activity time we made rainbows, played with cars, built with blocks, and used heart punch outs to turn into shamrocks. The kids learned that it takes 3 hearts to make a shamrock.

Have a great week-end, watch out for leprechauns!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 5th-7th Things that Go Week

Helena was our Star of the Week.  She was so excited on Tuesday morning when she came running in with Muffin and her Rice Krispie treats for her special snack!!  Everyone loved the snack and hearing about her time with Muffin.  The big news was that Helena took Muffin to see Pinkalicious at First Stage as part of her birthday celebration.  We also celebrated her birthday at school, Happy Birthday Helena!!!

We talked about all sorts of things that go this week.  We made cars on Tuesday and wrote stories about where the car would take us.  It was so much fun hearing the kids say where they wanted their car to go.  We made a list of things that go and we came up with boats, cars, busses, subways, trucks, trains, airplanes, and helicopters!

We went outside on Thursday and played Red Light, Green Light.  This is one of the kids favorite outside games.  I think we could spend the whole class time playing this game as long as we took a snack break!!
Mrs. Jenkins came in and worked with us on bells and some songs. We're learning a new song that helps us learn the days of the week!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dinosaur Week!

Boy did we have fun this week! We learned about fossils, different names of dinosaurs, plant eaters and meat eaters as well as the differences between two legged and four legged dinosarus. We had lots of fun dinosaur centers set up. We had a floor sized dinosaur puzzle, a flannel board dinosaur activitiy, small dinosaurs in sand, bigger dinosaurs on a table, lots and lots of dinosaur books and fun dinosaur art projects!!

Mrs. Bulgerin brought in her measuring tape on Thursday so we could see the different sizes of the dinosaurs. The kids were amazed when they found out that some of them couldn't even fit in our classroom! We also learned that the smallest dinosaur was the size of a chicken!!

We had a 3D model of a volcano set up and we made it erupt with baking soda and vinegar.

We also moved like dinosaurs and learned some dinosaur songs and fingerplays.

Mrs. Jenkins came in on Thursday and started to teach us a new song about the days of the week!