The kids were all excited to hear about Muffin's adventure with Gavin. In case you haven't heard, we started our star of the week last week on Thursday and Gavin was the lucky guy who got to take home Muffin. During circle time we read the journal entries that Gavin added to Muffin's diary and we saw pictures of Muffin and Gavin. They had lots of fun going out for yogurt and seeing a movie together, along with a lot of other cool stuff!!
Hanna brought in the book Pinkalicious to share with the class and we all loved it. We can see why it's her favorite book. Gavin brought in a book about Tadpoles and Frogs that had real pictures of frog eggs and tadpoles hatching and growing into frogs. It was really cool to see that, we remembered when we saw a frog in the pond at Lime Kiln Park in the fall!
I noticed in the paper today that Pinkalicious is going to be performed by First Stage in February and March in case anyone is interested in taking their child to a show.
Today was pajama day and pancake day! Mrs. Bulgerin read her favorite story called Cat and Bear and everyone loved it! Then we worked together to make the pancake mix and cook the pancakes. We discovered that some of us like plain pancakes and some of us added blueberries to our pancakes, but ALL of us like syrup on our pancakes!!
We wrote a class list about some of the things we put on our pancakes. Here is what was on the list: strawberries and whipped cream, butter, syrup, bananas, and chocolate chips!!
During activity time we worked on finishing our salt and glue art from yesterday and made ourselves in our pajamas and then we decorated a blanket to put on top of us. These will be going home next week when we finish them with writing our very own bedtime story!!
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