We had such a fun week! On Tuesday we read
Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett, on Wednesday we read
Gingerbread Friends, also by Jan Brett and on Thursday we read the folktale
The Gingerbread Boy. We also watched a song about the Gingerbread Man and a short video version of the story!
We made Gingerbread play dough together on Thursday and then had a chance to use gingerbread cookie cutters to make gingerbread people. For our art project we decorated a foam gingerbread boy/girl. Mrs. Chyko helped us practice our letters with an a,b,c, dot to dot.
"Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!" became a favorite chant to repeat. Mrs. Willer helped us write write a short story based on this chant.
We're practicing for our Christmas Show with Mrs. Jenkins. She even pulled out the hand bells for us to use!
The kids may enjoy watching some of these again at home!
Gingerbread song video
gingerbread fingerplay we learned
story of Gingerbread Baby
Activity time! Such a great way to develop creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills! |
Making play dough. |
Adding water, and oil to the dry ingredients. |
Playing with our home made play dough! |
Learning how to use gingerbread lacing cards. |
Creating a giant track for our vehicles with blocks! |