We heard 3 new Clifford books this week.
Clifford's First Autumn,
Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors, and
Clifford Goes to Hollywood. We have a stuffed Clifford that has joined our class for the past two weeks and loves to hear stories about himself!! In addition to hearing about Clifford we read our first "big book" this week;
The Eensy Weensy Spider. The kids helped me "read" the book as we sang the words and I pointed to them. We also sang our A,B,C's as I pointed to the letters in the room. The kids are so interested in learning about letters! It's been really fun watching them as they begin to write letters in their names and try to make other letters as well.
We were fortunate with the weather and were able to get outside each day this week. Inside, we switched our sand table as we replaced our "fairy garden" with molds and sand stamps. The kids continue to love using play dough, cars, blocks, magnets, and the trains.
We used "do-a-dot" paint to make the letter C on Wednesday. Joan and I showed the kids how to make a C and then gave them each a red crayon so they could try it. We were so excited when they each made their very own C (for Clifford). Then they used the dot paint to go on top of it. Afterwards they wanted to make their own designs with the paint, and many of them chose to make other letters on their own.
We celebrated another birthday this week! Brooke is 4 and she brought in bananas and ice cream cups with sprinkles for us to put on top. Yum!! Thanks Brooklyn!!
The Eensy Weensy Spider big book.
I wonder if the kids are singing this at home too!! |
Mrs. Jenkins had the kids up and marching around
the church while they were singing! |
Happy Birthday, Brooke!! |
Singing Happy Birthday. |
A classful of Cliffords!! |
We were able to take our Clifford puppets home on Thursday too! Yay!! The kids had been waiting for that!! |