We had fun learning about numbers this week. We read several counting books but the kids favorites were My Very First Book of Numbers by Eric Carle and Chicka Chicka 1,2,3 by Bill Martin Jr.
The weather was nice this week so we made sure to spend some extra time outdoors.
During activity time Joan asked the kids what numbers they'd like to write. She helped them write the number and then go over them with do a dots. The art center had a project where the kids used
Q-tips dipped in paint to put dots on hens. Then we counted the dots. When the kids finished with that they had fun painting on blank paper with q-tips!
Other fun things we did this week:
- learned the nursery rhyme 1, 2 buckle my shoe
- used the flannel board to count different objects
- read a big book about math
- used an abacus
- heard the story 10 Little Puppies with a special abacus attached to the book so we could count and add
We celebrated Matthew's 5th birthday on Thursday. He brought in a special snack to share with us and brought in treat bags as well. Thanks, Matthew...Happy Birthday!!
The kids love celebrating birthdays!! |
Matthews birthday treat....super, delicious sugar cookies! We loved how they fit in with our number unit! |