On Wednesday, Freddy Sparkleberry was in the quiet activity room sitting on a window ledge. He had red velvet cupcakes that he brought to share with the kids for snack! It was a nice day so we had a chance to get outside and play for awhile. Inside we heard several Christmas stories, and during activity time made an elf project out of the letter E. We also had spinning tops and dreidels to play with as well as play dough with Christmas cookie cutters.
After quiet activity time on Thursday we went on an elf hunt. We looked in all of the rooms downstairs and couldn't find Freddy. Finally we found him sitting under a tree in the media room. He was sitting on top of a present!! We opened it up and there was a wooden baking set for us to use in our play kitchen! During activity time some of us chose to play with this. We also traced over the lowercase letters of the alphabet, and played with cars and kinetic sand. We read a story called "The Twelve Days of Christmas". It was a take off of the traditional version. Instead of having a partridge in a pear tree it had a party in a pear tree. When we got to the eighth day there were 8 elves baking!! That's why Freddy brought us the baking set....he likes to help Santa bake cookies!! The holiday spirit is all over our classroom....hope your houses are filled with it too!