We went outside to play. We've been working on putting on our jackets, hats, and gloves by ourselves as well as zipping, snapping, and buttoning. It's great to see how excited the kids are when they can finally get their jacket on, or zip, or whatever by themselves....they are so proud of themselves!! (And we're so proud of them too!!) Emma showed us a trick for putting on our jackets. Lay the jacket on the floor, stand by the hood side bend over and put both hands in the sleeves, then pick up the jacket and bring it over your head, voila...! The kids had fun trying this today before we went out for recess.
We finished making our Halloween Monsters today. Here's a picture of the finished products!
We also learnred about the letter H today. We used Do-a-Dots to create the letter H with Mrs. Chyko during activity time!
Yesterday we went outside to look at our tree. All off the leaves have fallen off. We talked about how it's sleeping until spring when it will wake up again and we'll see buds and leaves growing on the tree!