Feeding our frogs. Everybody got to put it one piece of frog food!
Time to go back inside for activity time!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Sadie Comes to Visit
We heard stories this week about Clifford the Big Red Dog, and Officer Buckle and Gloria as well as other stories about pets. We had fun watching our class pets, our frogs Azzie and Scooter, and since we were doing a pet unit, on Friday, Mrs. Gould's little, white, dog, Sadie, came to visit. She's a 2 1/2 year old cavachon and is very sweet natured. She did tricks for the us. She sat up and begged, shook our hands, rolled over and danced! We all laughed while she did her tricks. Then we each had a turn to brush her and walk her on her leash. We even took her outside to play with us!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Picture Day!
Some of the activites the kids were engaged with included playing with horses, using K'nex, and using stencils, as well as putting together a floor puzzle about pets!
Some of the kids were busy making strings of beads.....
and some had fun playing in the kitchen...
When we all had our pictures taken we went into circle time room and heard some good stories about a puppy named Spot and we also heard a big book about a cat named Ginger. Then it was time for snack and time to look through all the books in our classroom library. We had a whole bunch of new Clifford Books to look through! We went outside for a group picture and then played the game Doggie, Doggie, Where's Your Bone? The kids really seemed to enjoy playing this but we ran out of time before everyone got a turn...we'll have to play again next time so we all get a chance. It might be fun to see if your child can teach this game to you at home!! Then they can get lots of turns to be the doggie!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Beautiful Weather!
Brooke celebrated her 4th birthday today! She brought in yummy chocolate chip cookies for snack. Thanks Brooke and Happy Birthday!!

We heard two great stories today. We Are All the Same, We Are All Different is a book that celebrates each one of us as a unique individual. Some of the things it discussed were how we all have hair, but the colors may be different. We all have skin, but some of us have lighter skin and some of us have darker skin. We talked about how we all have birthdays but not on the same day and we all have feelings. It was a wonderful book that helped generate a really good discussion.
We fed our African Dwarf Frogs, Avis and Scooter, this morning. They get fed twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. It's fun to watch how much they swim around and move when it's feeding time!! We passed around our talking stick and created a class list of pets. We had hamsters, fish, frogs, cats, kittens, dogs, puppies, snakes on our list.
After singing and moving to Shake Our Sillies Out and Head Shoulders, Knees, and Toes we sat down to hear Sesame Street's Pet Show. Bernie's pet was kept in a brown bag for most of the story. See if your child remembers what Pet Ernie brought to the show and what prize he won!!
The weather was so gorgeous today we went outside around 10:30 to plant our class chrysanthemum. Each of us put in a scoop of dirt as we transplanted the flower into a bigger pot. Then we each took a turn using the watering can and giving our class flower something to drink! It's right outside our classroom now so we can watch all the blooms open during the next few weeks. We counted and found out that 8 blooms were open today, I wonder if any new ones will open tomorrow? It will be fun to count the blooms before coming into the class in the morning!
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Pete the Cat
This week we focused on the book Pete the Cat and His Four Groovey Buttons. This is a great book as it focuses on the numbers 1-4 as well as subtraction skills and is a pattern book as well! Add the song to it and it gets the kids interacting with the book as we read it together. The kids favorite part of this book is when it says, "Is Pete sad?" and the response is "Goodness, no". To hear the book read go to this youtube link. It is one of my new favorite books!! It might be fun to share the the link below with your kids, they might even read along with it!!
Jan 27, 2014 - Uploaded by Grant Temple
This is a full version of the book and song. Story written by Eric Litwin and Illustrated by James ...Pete the Cat heard we were learning about him and hearing his stories so he came to visit this week too!
We had a lot of time to explore our own interests too!
We talked about the Letter C and the sound it makes as well as the word Cat and brought in things that started with C for show and tell. As the kids showed or told us about the things they brought with the letter C, Mrs. Gould listed the words on the white board. We had cat, cow, calf, chairs, cards, carrots, as well as Cayden and Charlie on our list. (We talked a little bit about the ch vs. the c sound)
We had fun fingerpainting with blue paint and creating Pete using pipe cleaners for whiskers and shapes for his face. We also talked about the letter P and the sound it makes and made Pete out of the letter P. Then we each said what our favorite color shoe is and Mrs. Gould wrote it on our project for us. We even practiced reading back what we wrote down!
We had music with Mrs. Jenkins this week and sang a song that helped us get to know each other. We went outside and played the game Cat and Mouse and we also played the game Mouse, Mouse, Cat. Maybe your kids can show you how to play the games at home!!
We added a tube to our large activity room. The kids have fun putting cars down the ramp. They're learning the if they lift the tube higher the cars go faster and if it is at a lower angle the cars go slower. Introduction to physics and inclined planes preschool style!!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Welcome Back!!
The school year is off to a terrific start!!
It was so good to see all the parents and families on Tuesday. I really think it helped prepare the kids for the next day when they were dropped off. Everyone seemed to make a successful transition with very few tears!!
On Wednesday, after morning play time, we reviewed how to be good listeners. There is a poster hanging up in our classroom that says: watching eyes, listening ears, quiet mouths, helping hands and sitting quietly. There are pictures on the poster to help the kids remember how to be a good listener in preschool and the pictures all us to all read the chart together!
In circle time,we heard the story Pete the Cat, Rocking in His School Shoes. We listened to the link on the Pete the Cat website. Here it is:
It has a really cute song that goes along with the story. The kids might enjoy listening to this again at home. It has a really catchy pattern!
Pete went to lots of places while he was at school so we went on a tour of the school when we finished reading. We visited the music room, library room, the offices upstairs, the narthex, the sanctuary, the bathrooms, the playground and we even peeked in the conference room and the coffee room! After our tour, we washed our hands and it was time for snack....yum!!
It was too rainy to go outside so we did indoor movement with a CD. We moved around to Shake, Rattle, and Roll and played the stop and go game. Then we each had a turn to pour our rice into the sensory tub.
We played a getting to know you game where we rolled a ball to each child in the circle and we had to say our name and something we liked. We also read all of our "All About Me" Robots. It was fun to hear what everyone liked to do at home and school and what their favorite food was. The kids got really excited when they heard someone else say they like to play the same game or eat the same food as they do! It was fun to learn how we're all similar in some ways and also different in some ways, but we're all friends!!
On Thursday we opened up the cabinet in the "vine room" to see what was inside! Then we had a chance to get out some of those activities and work with them. We also learned how to pick up one activity before moving onto the next. Everyone is working really hard to be a good "picker-upper"!
We heard another Pete the Cat book, this time it was called Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes. This story also has a read aloud with it on the same link. Pete's shoes don't stay white for very long in this story. Ask your child to see if he/she remembers what happens to Pete's shoes!!
During activity time we used the train table, the blocks, the rice table, the cars, the dollhouses, and much more! We also broke into small groups and worked with Mrs. Gould and Mrs. Chyko. We used glue and fruit loops to make the letter C or the word Cat. (And of course we had to eat some of the fruit loops as we glued!!)
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